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Twitter erupted Thursday to the wailing of liberals who want to deny President Trump funding for border security.

One site surmised there was “so much stupid we’re not sure where to begin.”

There was the obligatory denial that those who break the law are criminals. And the characterization of illegal aliens as truly American. And a peculiar reference to the Germans bombing Pearl Harbor.

First, reported Twitchy, which monitors Twitter, there was the Democrats’ new socialist star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calling for defunding of ICE, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency.

“The president should be really defending why we are funding (ICE) at all … right now, what we are seeing, is death.”

Her rant included: “On the day of Christmas, a child died in ICE custody”

However, the facts of the tragic incident are that the death was not on Christmas, and the child’s “alleged dad declined further medical treatment.”

Ocasio-Cortez also blamed Trump for forcing illegal immigrants to become illegal immigrants. And she condemned, without explanation, the U.S. use of “freezing boxes” to hold illegals.

“AOC truly is the gift that keeps on giving,” said Twitchy. “No one should feel unsafe in America … how about the people who keep losing their lives to illegal immigrants, Alex from the Bronx? And we can’t help but notice how she kept ignoring the reality that Trump was talking about illegal immigrants. You really have to wonder if she has done any research at all on what is actually happening without immigration system or if she’s just going on talking points.”

Regarding lawbreakers, CNN’s Jim Acosta, commented Twitchy, didn’t seem to understand that those who break the law are criminals.

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