
There is an old expression to be careful about what you wish for. Mike Adams presents very compelling reasons for the playboy to declare martial law, but he is a fool if he thinks Trump would or could return to limited government after punishing all of the perps and destroying the liars nests. It would be easier to jab a stick in the eye of a full grown grizzly. Or in other words it will take a miracle.


Viva Christo Rey


I agree with you !00%. Normally Mike Adams is very good, but this time he has been totally deceived. As per normal David, you are miles ahead of the pack!

Everything that is happening now in Washington D.C. with Trump, happened with THE NAZI RISE TO POWER! The war taking place in the US Congress right now is between Republican FASCISTS and Democrat COMMUNISTS. Democrat Bernie Sanders even openly admits he is a Jewish Marxist and Communist.

The thing is, Hitler’s rise to power was very insidious, wickedly deceptive and it fooled a lot of well-meaning, educated people who should have known better, including many professing Christians and countless churches both Catholic and Protestant. It involved a giant battle between himself and his rising fascist Nazi Party and the [Marxist] Communist (Democratic) Party in Berlin that threatened to eliminate him and take over power, assisted by Marxist Jews who controlled the media throughout not only Germany but the whole of Europe.

The key is, as he gradually rose to power to become a full fledged fascist dictator, assisted by the Depression, a series of “Emergency Decrees” were issued which allowed Vice Chancellor Papen and Goring as Minister of the Interior to take over the control of the police, during which time Goring replaced hundreds of police officers loyal to the republic with NAZI officials loyal to Hitler (Trump). ONLY AFTER HE GOT CONTROL OF THE POLICE (during the State of Emergency) did Goring create the 50,000 SA and SS storm troopers, that then almost immediately raided the Communist headquarters in Berlin, which was soon followed by the burning of the Reichstag Building and blaming it on the Communists (Democrats!) This was then used to commence rounding up all the Communists, Jews and other perceived enemies of the state, while the existing justice system had not been altered at all and everyone were deceived to believe thought they were still living in a free, democratic state, which of course they were not.

If you read the following two links, it is frightening to see the similarities between the rise of Hitler and the rise of Trump right now; http://www.historyplace.com/worldwar2/riseofhitler/burns.htm https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/the-nazi-rise-to-power

Underneath the picture of Trump and the American flag below, you will see the mindless statement, “ANALYSIS: To save America, Trump must declare a “New American Revolution.” That is EXACTLY what the Nazis said and did (which you can read about in the links above) immediately before Hitler gained full power as a dictator.

So what you say “But he is a fool if he thinks Trump would or could return to limited government after punishing all of the perps and destroying the liars nests” I believe is spot on. Especially when the “deep state” want to impeach him and drag him through the courts soon. If one thinks as the Devil’s advocate, he now needs to act quickly before they arrest or charge him. Why would he want to return to the former when the former administration has tried to treat him unmercifully as it has? Like Hitler, too, Trump hates the aligned media that have been lying through their teeth and endlessly demeaning him, and he has said he is going to address them as well. Hitler actually said the same, and wrote in his book along the lines he would deal to end the hundreds of Jewish newspaper propagandists with the whine of a single 7mm shell – and he did!

The other thing that has always intrigued me with the rise of Hitler, is how quickly the majority including doctors, lawyers, judiciary, business people, teachers, universities, churches etc. who previously strongly opposed him, unethically changed their views overnight, to protect their skin, loyally support him to protect their jobs and bank accounts, when they realized he had destroyed the opposition and ascended to supreme power.

I believe Trump is fulfilling a role like Hitler, and is going to drive the world into chaos, setting the stage for the counterfeit Prince of Peace, and World Saviour, yet to come.
