
The lawyer scumbaggary has reached a fever pitch over here. They are all drunk with power and have co-opted almost every public institution. I was hospitalized as the result of a poisonous spider bite that caused blood clotting in my lungs and left leg. During my two days in the hospital I was asked several extremely personal questions that had nothing to do with the infection. My estimate is that all together between the several people that questioned me I was asked more than fifty questions. At one point I denied answering a personal question about my family members and the male questioner immediately began insulting me. Bed side manner out the window, in with the Fuhrer.

Anyway, if you scroll down to “In considering the powers of the attorney general, the supreme court, in Fergus v Russel, noted:” in the attached article about the history of the Illinois attorney general, all doubts about how sleazy lawyers are, and whose interest is first in line are removed. The entire article is well worth reading as to how the vultures create fake law from court decisions and opinions that serve their interests and the crown against the interests of the American People. And with total contempt, do it in the name of the American People !!! Chutzpah on steroids !!!


Viva Christo Rey.