Here in New Zealand at present there is a full scale big pharma, corporate/government/medical propaganda campaign all through the controlled media, radio, television, print etc. to scare people to get the deadly MMR vaccine against measles. The doctors and media are really stepping up the campaign with even bigger lies than usual, and really they should be brought to account for their tyranny and deception as the MMR vaccine is one of the worst vaccines of all, overwhelmingly implicated in causing the massive rise in autism.

Those who still have half a brain left might like to watch this recent little clip showing just how these medical scientists and doctors lie about vaccines.

This one is so revealing, as it is an interview with THE world scientific medical authority on vaccines.

Tell me this? Why do people blindly believe these scientists and doctors? – when these imbeciles, were “blood-letting” their patients to death in little more than 100 years ago!