
Thanks for your emails about all the outrageous medical and ‘big pharma’ lies and propaganda at present about MMR measles vaccinations here in NZ. I agree with you, they are now taking this deception and tyranny up to an entirely new level of evil. Oh how this makes me so angry!

However, as well intentioned as you may be, I believe you are now wasting your time. I’ll bet very few even comment on your emails now, as most people are so indifferent and ignorant, at least this is my own experience right now Jack..

The fact is, I’ll go so far to say the average person is getting as thick as two planks and it couldn’t be better illustrated than by this neo-Nazi moron, Dr Lance O’Sullivan, in his interview [below] this morning on Television One actually recommending all children should not be allowed to attend school unless they are vaccinated WITHOUT PARENTAL CONSENT. As you will see on the video, he actually has the brazen cheek to say new laws should be introduced and vaccination should be compulsory in the same way wearing seat belts in cars are compulsory.

However what he is saying if implemented will push compulsory vaccination on everyone in exactly the same way the devilish doctors did under Hitler in Nazi Germany through the T4 Program and others. The only difference between the Nazi doctors then and this medical rat now is that he is a part Maori and they were pure German. But the words and ideology are the same.

In fact, what is so insulting, Dr O’Sullivan was shockingly given the Denis Dutton Award 2017, supposedly for his courageous contributions to the promotion of immunization and vaccination in New Zealand. He was awarded the Communicator of the Year Award 2015, New Zealander of the Year 2014, Sir Peter Blake Leadership Award 2013, Supreme Maori of the Year 2013, and Public Health Champion by the Public Health Association of New Zealand 2013. All while it is relatively well known he has these radical neo-Nazi medical views.

Yet everything he says in support of compulsory vaccination without the informed consent of parents is pure, evil. So why give the man numerous awards like this?

As you will be aware, this Nazi ideology resulted in countless medical crimes, many dealt with at the Nazi Doctors’ Trial after the end of WWII at Nuremberg, which finally produced the NUREMBERG CODE which was created to ensure all future medical actions by doctors required the informed voluntary consent of the human subject. This was later used as the basis for the Declaration of Helsinki which later formed the basis for the Code of Federal Regulations Title 45 Part 46 for the ethical treatment of all human subjects in the US under the US Department of Health and Human Services – later written into Article 7 of the United Nations’ International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, also which serves as the basis for the International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research involving human subjects proposed by the UN World Health Organization.

Yet this medical charlatan and ignoramous is obviously ignorant of these basic medical ethical standards and irrefutable facts, or is blatantly knowingly ignoring them all together. Either way, what is says is pure evil. I agree with you it is nothing short of a disgrace. The thing that upsets me the most Jack is that he is making these wicked statements largely without being publicly challenged by anyone at all! That is what upsets me so much.

When you consider all the enormous, almost unspeakable evil the Nazi doctors did during the Third Reich, to repeat these same things again first requires the abolition of voluntary consent, and Dr. O’Sullivan is wickedly trying his damned best to achieve this evil goal right now for us all in NZ.

I really despair for the future of all our children and grand children Jack. Because, if what is being proposed now by these medical killers is ever enacted (yes Dr. O’Sullivan supports euthanasia as well) in my opinion the whole of humanity is totally doomed.

Do watch the short video Jack. It is important to watch it but I do find the whole thing absolutely disgusting!


‘No jab, no school’ – Dr Lance O’Sullivan says vaccination should be compulsory for kids / 1 NEWS NOW / TVNZ