Following the Christchurch Mosques massacre, the NZ Government and Police decided they would confiscate semi-automatic firearms off most NZ’s 250,000 legally licenced, honest, firearm owners. They estimated there are about 300,000 military-style semi-automatic firearms they want to confiscate from the NZ public in a buyback program, in superb business plan without telling anyone what they will pay for each firearm, under threat of 5 years in jail if anyone is ever caught with one into the bargain. Can you imagine ever offering to buy anything without telling the seller what you will pay for it? Well that’s what the pollies and police here have been trying to do here.

Now to date, (unlike the previous firearm confiscation program in Australia that was quite successful due to the average Aussie being more naive and compliant), the NZ Police in their profound wisdom have announced today, after 3 months, that a grand total of 530 guns have been handed in so far! Wow! What a success rate!!! 530 out of a total of 300,000! Wow!Now I know why we pay them so much money!

My, my, I never thought they would have collected so many. That is less than .2% of the total amount expected in 3 months! Wow! Whoever would have thought the NZ Government and Police would have been so unbelievably efficient???

And fellow Kiwis, please forgive me for ever thinking or even suggesting you were all a mob of compliant, docile, obedient sheep, cause, apparently, from these latest figures, you are not – an from these spectacular figures, seems ya all have had enough off da government socialist dictatorship. Am I right guys? Am I right?

Well. With all the nation’s teachers on strike today, the biggest strike in the nation’s history, seems the pollies have got more tha AR-15s to worry about.
