
“L” wrote to me today wanting info on the (NIA) on behalf of himself and some other political prisoners illegally held on remand. Note that this NZ police state “NIA” database keeps records on all Kiwis and nearly half of our population have “alerts” against our names, and that anyone with an alert usually has all their other “contacts” linked to them on alert as well. Note it is linked to all Doctors’ patient medical records as well.

This is much worse than the SS in Nazi Germany or the Stasi in Communist East Germany using paper records. The Australian Federal Police have an identical database to the NIA here. This will help to explain why outrageously nearly a third of all the people currently held in prison in both Australia and New Zealand are being held on remand in custody without having never been convicted, and it is getting worse by the day. I don’t know why they don’t change the name of the prisons or correctional facilities to concentration camps, because increasingly that is what they are.

All they will need is Facebook, Google and YouTube records added to it and they will be able to arrest every single person in the entire madhouse!


REVEALED: 2 Million Kiwis have police alert on their names