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The latest chapter out of the fake war on terror: the Pentagon paid over half a billion dollars in US taxpayer money to a British PR firm – to create fake al Qaeda videos.

London-based PR firm Bell Pottinger, has a long list of unsavoury clients including Saudi Arabia, General Pinochet, and now the CIA too.

This dodgy contract was signed off by White House and the General David “The Surge” Petraeus, which is particularly interesting when considering that the firm was also paid to created fake Al-Qaeda propaganda videos, which were then planted by the military in homes they raided.

SEE ALSO: AGITPROP MACHINE: How the US create Fake Al Qaeda and ISIS videos

Where this story gets really interesting is taken in context with all of the numerous staged ISIS and ‘Jihadi John’ terrorist propaganda videos which flooded the US and British press and which were the basis for the entire US-led intervention against the so-called Islamic State in Syria. In addition, the character known as ‘Jihadi John’ has direct ties to British Security Services.


FAKE ISIS VIDEOS: This ‘Jihadi John’ video was filmed in a studio, against a green screen. Was this produced by Bell Pottinger or a similar PR firm too? FOX News has since admitted that at least one of the ISIS beheading videos was staged in a studio.

Part of Petraeus’s deceptive operation also involved running an Arabic sector similar to US domestic propaganda efforts like Operation Mockingbird, where the Pentagon contractor would craft scripts for Arabic soap operas where characters would reject terrorism with happy consequences. This is especially interesting when considering that this Turkish TV program seems to predate the ‘Jihadi John’ video genre, indicating that the same production team may have been employed in producing the fake green screen Jihadi John terror videos. Watch:

More on the Pentagon’s terror factory…