

Here, in New Zealand, over the past 6 months the Government, the medical profession and controlled mainstream media – including all newspapers, radio and TV – have been frantically pushing for compulsory vaccination because of the supposed current measles outbreak – and attacking anyone who is “anti-vaccination.”

At the same time this is happening, on the other side of the Tasman Sea, Australia, after almost now having made vaccination compulsory (directed by the United Nations WHO), your Fascist PM Scott Morrison is completing the other side of Satan’s jigsaw puzzle by announcing his support to roll out your coming new CASHLESS DEBIT CARD https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/scott-morrison-eyes-long-term-cashless-debit-card-roll-out-20190907-p52oxb.html to replace the old Australian THE BASICS CARD (used now for selected welfare beneficiaries, but soon for all government beneficiaries including pensioners, and ultimately for the entire general population).

As you will probably be aware, this new Australian Neo-Nazi CASHLESS DEBIT CARD is going to have huge new powers. It will include draconian automatic blocking software in it which will operate with selected merchant’s Point of Sale software to decline specific transactions of restricted goods to the holder, forbid the user obtaining cash with it, and in time, interlink with drivers licence information, criminal history, travel, migration visas, illicit drug and prescription drug use, tax and financial records and all Australian’s MY HEALTH RECORD information https://www.myhealthrecord.gov.au/ (look on this government link to see the Government video propaganda ‘Dr Caroline Yates’ My Health Record – YouTube and see how this will interlink with vaccination records as well).

Although we are a little bit behind at present, the same thing is being planned here in New Zealand behind the scenes, and the present outrageous “Measles Outbreak” propaganda attacking unvaccinated people is being used as the catalyst to bring in a NZ version of your MY HEALTH RECORD and CASHLESS DEBIT CARD (at first for welfare beneficiaries) to the ignorant NZ public.

In preparation for replicating the Australian MY HEALTH RECORD, GPs here have been setting up online sites called PATIENT PORTALS where doctors and patients can access their health information and interact. As at March 2019 there were 858,033 New Zealanders using these Patient Portals! https://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/digital-health/other-digital-health-initiatives/patient-portals


Even here in Tauranga where I live this measles propaganda madness is being extended to the current AIMS Games where the organisers want to ban unvaccinated children. Can you imagine? How can all the vaccinated children who are allowed to participate in the games be at risk of measles, if they are IMMUNIZED?

Here is a YouTube clip about it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZzIbJPJRFxI “Measles: AIMS Games Cannot Ban Unvaccinated Students”.

GP Dr Lance O’Sullivan, a former New Zealander of the Year, is a strong proponent of compulsory vaccination. The fact is he is no different than the moronic Nazi doctors under Hitler. Obviously hasn’t been informed about the Nazi T4 EUTHANASIA PROGRAM, or DOCTORS’ TRIAL at Nuremberg at end of WW2 which produced the NUREMBERG CODE that all doctors throughout the world are now supposed to be complying with! Morons!

Step (1) Vaccinations and fear of measles, exiling ‘anti-vaxers’. Step (2) My Health Card. Step (3) My Cashless Debit Card (and abolition of cash). Step (4) Cards and PIN numbers get lost and stolen. Step (5) Revelation 13 final 666 Mark of the beast for all buying and selling!

Why aren’t more speaking up? Is the entire general public in Australia and New Zealand completely brain dead. Reminds me of the Nazi doctors who, after brutally euthanizing and murdering the over 200,000 German ‘useless eaters’ by injection and gassing under the T4 Program, actually send sympathy cards to the families of the dead with an official invoice of the cremation costs – which 99 per cent of the numb-skulls dutifully paid. Yes that’s right, I’ve seen some of the actual documents!

I am therefore now convinced, and regrettably have reached the inescapable conclusion, that 99 per cent of our human race are completely …… and ….utterly …. MAD!