1. This is a recent email from a friend in the Netherlands.

Everyone in NZ – Please circulate it – It is important!


I and Leonie have just got back from Spain & read your enticing emails. Your warning emails about Agenda 21 being forced on Dutch and Kiwi farmers are very good and we agree with all you say.

We don’t wish to sound ‘rude’ but we are not surprised that your media is being heavily censored and your farmers are apathetically doing nothing. Our experience of most Kiwis on all our visits is we find most are friendly enough, but very ignorant and apathetic in the extreme. Dutch farmers would never put up with the bullshit your prime minister is doing to you all yet your farmers seem to be accepting the same UN oppression even worse lying down. On top of it our farmers get huge EU subsidies while your farmers get none. So you would think all your Kiwis farmers would be marching on Parliament right now but appear not. What a pack of fuckwits your farmers are Jack. If they do nothing they will be finished because the Socialists will not stop. It is a tragedy as you have a simply stunningly beautiful country being destroyed by experts I believe. First, you have to get rid of that young Prime Minister she is going to destroy you all before she is finished.

In the protest today, the media reported here that they are coming back to The Hague in two weeks time if the government does not back down. Today the city and military used army trucks largely unsuccessfully to block the tractors. There were thousands and thousands of them plus thousands of trucks as well,  as you say Jack, it must be the biggest protest in Europe’s history although the media even here never mention it. They were even coming down the beach to The Hague in the thousands today! The whole population is shocked by how angry the farmers are and only the future will see if their protests prove effective or not as it gets much more serious.

How can your media fail to report this world news event, especially as you are a farming country and should be interested? We always knew your media was heavily corporate and government controlled and did not watch the news because it was so pathetic, not reporting even major events all the time but only All blacks and irrelevant trivia, to suit the simple mentality of most of your dumbed down resident population.

In case you missed it here are some videos of events today. I have tried to pick only ones in English. Farmers have protested here before but not on this massive scale. Unfortunately in the bigger picture, protests of all sorts are beginning to happen across Europe not only in the Netherlands as I’m sure you will be aware and the fabric of EU government is disintegrating soon heading for a much wider more serious crisis I expect.

Must get some sleep now

Keep well.

The Dutch Farmers Protest! best footage of the day collected #boerenprotest – YouTube


Epic images of Big Trucks joining farmer protests! #Boereninactie #DutchTractors-


Hundreds of Farmer Protest Tractors take over the beach! #FarmerProtests
