STEP ONE: March 15, 2019 – Christchurch Mosque Massacre military operation to shock everyone to justify closing down free speech and implement firearm confiscation. DONE!
STEP TWO: Implement Gun confiscation and military-style weapon buyback. ALMOST DONE!
STEP THREE: October 14, 2019, Government Introduces new legislation to de-radicalize terrorists returning from overseas  Note, if passed, this new legislation will allow the police to arrest anybody on suspicion of being a terrorist without any evidence at all! This was done in Nazi Germany.  IN THE PREPARATION OF BEING DONE!
STEP FOUR: October 16, 2019, Police Commissioner Mike Bush announces the NZ Police are setting up FULLY ARMED (military automatic weapons) POLICE RESPONSE TEAMS in Military-style special armoured vehicles to regularly patrol three of the biggest populated regions of New Zealand. This militarization of the police has already been done in the United States ready to set up martial law.    ANNOUNCED YESTERDAY & SOON TO BE IMPLEMENTED!
STEP FIVE: Implement full neo-Nazi green fascist socialist police state?
STEP SIX: Arrest all anti-vaxers, common grumblers and resistors under STEP FOUR, as potential terrorists authorised by STEP THREE legislation, ready to abolish the country’s sovereignty and fully rule it by edict of the United Nations.
STEP SEVEN: Legalize euthanasia and marjuana (currently being done), then legally execute all of society’s useless eaters in preparation for creating the new global socialist paradise on earth –
where supposedly, everybody who is left will live in a permanently drugged state of  multiculturism, mind-control, police state surveillance and harmony, to worship the coming new world Fuhrer – a universal hero who is to come and save the world from this implacable dual enemy – Climate Change and Global Warming – to finally become the supreme deity of this New World Order global dictatorship – the FOURTH REICH!
Do any of you have an opinion? Really?


My opinion is that we must all share the Waco investigations again that were produced by independent producers in one last hope of awakening the naive sleeping giant that sadly prefers to remain afraid, entertained, ignorant, apathetic and aloof. There are now several investigative reports available with just the slightest word search effort. They reveal the deadly and dishonest nature of government when it acts outside the Christian moral and constitutional boundary better than anything else I have ever found.
     Because the Waco Holocaust is now completely out of the news cycle, there are young adults that are not even aware of that crime against humanity. Several of the people that were in important government offices at the time are among the best witnesses against government perpetrated violence in these documentaries.