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In the middle of the 20th century, America was the envy of the world. A beacon of freedom, it was still rejoicing in its vibrant, post-war economy, its population had exploded due to the “baby boom,” and its people were the freest in the world. It was a nation aware, and justifiably proud, of its accomplishments. It produced more than any other nation. It had large stable families in which men and women worked together to raise strong future adults. It had industrial and political leaders that took pride in their social responsibilities. It had the lowest crime rate in the world, with a correspondingly low incarceration rate. It had shining cities that were the jewels of the world. Its infrastructure was second-to-none. It had the best healthcare system, an honest government, low taxes, and a booming economy. Its people were rightly proud of it — and loyal to it. What happened in the intervening three quarters of a century?

Today, America’s decaying inner-cities are cesspools of crime and blight. Black-on-White assault, muggings, robberies, home invasions, car-jackings, rapes, and murders are the norm. Graffiti and decay are everywhere. Elderly residents are afraid to venture out — day or night. The poverty rate is rising even faster than the tax rate that overburdens America’s working class. Diseases like tuberculosis, that had once been eradicated, have returned. New diseases like AIDS pop up semi-regularly. Ideas like civic duty, patriotism, and freedom are openly scorned. Its healthcare system is failed and its education system is corrupt — focused on teaching “tolerance” and other socialist ideologies, rather than giving its students an education useful in the real world. Political and financial corruption are rife. Its economy is dying. Its good-paying, manufacturing jobs are off-shored, and unfettered mass immigration allows hostile, third-world invaders in to take the service jobs that can’t be sent overseas. Those invaders are then given social welfare largely unavailable to the average American and, as if to add insult to injury, are taught to resent White America. Ennui and civic indifference grow daily.

Attacks on constitutionally protected freedoms are frequent. Increased substance abuse (especially abuse of prescription medications) abounds. The institution of family is ridiculed and subverted. Every kind of sexual deviancy is advanced as normal. Everyone, including children, are encouraged to be as promiscuous as they like. At the same time, abortion and birth control are heavily promoted leading to a dangerous decline in birthrates. White American women are having 1.3 children per each–the replacement level is 2.1, and increasing numbers of the children White women are having, are non-White. Aggravating this problem is the fact that, beginning over the last decade, life expectancy for White Americans is declining.

White America is going extinct. This deplorable fact is frequently lauded by corporate and civic leaders alike–who seem to endlessly wax poetic about the “browning of America”–as if it is a good thing. The media barrages us with hyper-sexual, near-pornographic images of ourselves and invariably portrays White men as weak, foolish, and inferior in every way to women and non-White males. And America is enmeshed in endless wars that in no way preserve or advance our interests.

How has this come about?

The answer, in a word, is “globalism” or the drive toward a one world empire and global governance. We are told that globalism is a natural result of advances in technology and human understanding and that it is desirable. The truth is, it is unnatural, unhealthy, and undesirable, in fact, it is absolutely destructive of freedom. And ultimately it is unsustainable. Our elites know this, but they still impose it on us. Why? To answer that we must understand the root cause of the problem.

The driving forces behind globalism are Jewish Supremacy, corporate greed; and class, racial, ethnic, religious, and gender antagonisms. The latter problems are creations and/or exacerbations of the first. Every bad idea and every destructive movement of the last 150 years has been founded, designed, organized, and financed by Jews. In the rare cases when it wasn’t founded by Jews it was founded by a homosexual, who was then promoted and financed by Jews. For instance, movements like:

  • Communism (Karl Marx–Jew)
  • Psycho-analysis (Sigmund Freud–Jew)
  • Trotskyism (Leon Trotsky–Jew)
  • Critical Analysis (Theodor Adorno & Walter Benjamin–Jews)
  • Cultural Anthropology (Franz Boas–Jew)
  • Marketing/Media Theory (Edward Bernays–Jew)
  • Economic Liberalism (John Maynard Keynes–homosexual & Milton Friedman–Jew)
  • Homosexuality (Alfred Kinsey–homosexual)
  • Feminism (too many Jewesses to name)
  • The Sexual Revolution (Kinsey again)
  • The Counter-Culture Revolution (Allen Ginsberg, Abbie Hoffman, & Jack Weinberger–Jews)
  • Neo-Conservatism (Leo Strauss & Irving Kristol–Jews)
  • Whiteness Studies (Noel Ignatiev–Jew)

were all founded by Jews or homosexuals and were all organized and funded by Jews, as well as being promoted heavily by the Jewish controlled media. The purpose of these movements was to provide the intellectual/philosophical foundation for the incessant attack on White America.

Corporatism (a.k.a. Trotskyism, Socialism, or neo-Conservatism), Economic Liberalism, and endless marketing/propaganda, constitute the foundation of current economic theory taught in universities and business schools across the nation. They also provide the philosophical argument for the “open borders” policy that has led to the off-shoring of our manufacturing base, which, in turn, is responsible for the out-of-control non-White immigration that is tearing at the fabric of our once largely homogeneous — and thus stable — society.

Feminism, the homosexual agenda, the sexual revolution, and Multiculturalism are largely responsible for the low birthrate of our people that is speeding us toward extinction. Fifty years ago, Whites were 33% of the world’s population. Today we are 12% and declining rapidly. Estimates are that we will be 2-3% by the end of the century. If we can’t get fair and honorable treatment from non-Whites in our own countries — where we are still the majority — how do you think we will fare under a global government when we represent less than 3% of the population? Further, the current policies that have led to our demographic decline are defined in Article 2b, c, and d of UN Resolution 260 as “genocide.”

Communism, Cultural Anthropology, and Whiteness Studies (as well as some of the movements mentioned in the preceding paragraphs) are the theoretical underpinnings of the racial, ethnic, and religious hatred directed at European-Americans. This has lead to a rise in fear, uncertainty, and doubt in the White population of the world and constitutes serious mental harm. (This is also defined as genocide under Article 2b of UN Resolution 260.)

Because Jewish Supremacy is very real and is the source of all the other problems facing White humanity, I borrow a phrase from Henry Ford (who was well aware of the Jewish Problem), and call this blog, “The Foremost Problem.”

What can you do?

The good news is that there are simple, practical steps you can implement in your life to mitigate and/or eliminate the destructive influence of Jewish power. Just follow as many of these principles as you can:

  1. Monitor what you consume Because they have insinuated themselves into our society as its “middle men,” Jewish Supremacists get a cut of almost everything you buy — from the food you eat, to the clothes you wear, to the car you drive. Try to buy from Whites only (especially racially conscious Whites). Further, whenever possible, try to buy from small mom-and-pops and even better from resale shops. Grow as much of your own food as you can, growing a garden is both healthy and fun. Make as much of your own stuff as possible. A self-reliant lifestyle, if followed by enough people, will kill Jewish Hegemony.
  2. Cut your cable Don’t allow the Jewish/homosexual propaganda that passes for entertainment, into your home. Don’t watch Jewish (Hollywood) produced TV or films. Also, don’t buy their books, newspapers, or magazines. Today, with all of the content available online, this is easy to do. (The BitChute channel, TalieVision, has over 500 pro-White videos of every kind: movies, talk shows, documentaries, lectures, speeches, and more; the Colchester Collection has over 1,700 pro-White books; and the Patriot Portal has links to over 800 pro-White websites with several lifetimes worth of content.)
  3. Homeschool If possible, homeschool your children, the public schools are cesspits of anti-White, misandristic perversion. Private schools are not much better. Again, with all of the resources available online, this is much easier to do today than it was a generation ago.
  4. Behave morally This might seem superfluous, or even silly, to some, but in many ways it is actually key. Our Jewish Extremist enemies and their shabbas goy collaborators promote sexual depravity, including promiscuity, for two reasons, 1. it results in fewer White births, and 2. they believe it reduces resistance to their domination. They believe they can substitute sexual license for real freedoms. Cultivating a strong sense of racial identity (and thus racial responsibility) is the antidote to their poison. Develop a sense of purpose in life, find a spouse that will enable you to live a long, healthy, productive life with many children to help counter our demographic decline.
  5. Have lots of White babies (Self explanatory.)
  6. Vote against incumbents The Jewish radicals control our government through manipulation of public opinion using their control of the media and by buying our politicians. Voting against incumbents takes the latter away from them. There is, perhaps, not a single member of the US Congress who is not owned by the Jews or sufficiently cowed by them as to be rendered impotent in our struggle against them and none of them deserve to be re-elected.
  7. Spread the word Talk to your family, friends, and associates about what you learn. Don’t preach, cajole, or force the issue, but we must stop being afraid of foolish, meaningless words like anti-semite, racist, sexist, Islamaphobe, etc. If we can’t find the courage to overcome name-calling, how are we going to preserve a future for our children?

(Editor’s note: This article was originally published in July of 2009, it was revised in February of 2019, and again in November of 2021.)