Here on the radio show, Jesse interviewed Patrisse Marie Khan-Cullors, artist, organizer, radical homosexual activist, and “freedom fighter” — co-founder of the #BlackLivesMatter hashtag and movement with Opal Tometi and Alicia Garza. Patrisse says she grew up poor: her mother worked three jobs, she hardly saw her, her father worked for GM, but they still lived in poverty because of capitalism. Jesse asks her four times if she believes in capitalism, she never answers (but gives a phony intellectual answer), then hangs up. Producer James Hake contacted her back; she said she did not hang up, but months later on Twitter she admitted she DID hang up 10 minutes in. Right after she told James she’d reschedule and come back on, but also months later on Twitter she advised others, “Don’t bother” coming on Jesse’s show, claiming it’s “violent and demeaning.” (Jesse got playfully sarcastic with her when she refused to answer the “yes or no” question, then asked, “I don’t know what you mean.”)