We tend to think “all” government leaders and military top brass, especially in the US, are vile warmongers and corrupt, (including our own too of course). However, there are always exceptions. Here, I thought US Colonel Richard Black’s summary of the Ukraine situation and the potential for full-scale nuclear war was spot on.

He talks about the US’s vulnerability to Russia and what would happen to Washington D.C, the Pentagon, Alexandria, Virginia (where he lives), and the massive fleet of US warships and aircraft carrier fleets, moored near where he lives.

When I visited there, including Jamestown & Williamsburg etc. in 1992, I saw all these bases and ships, aircraft carriers etc. he refers to. Truly massive! There were so many of them I thought they were low-lying islands going miles and miles. Awe inspiring to see this massive US naval power. Unfortunately, now, all this is made completely obsolete by high velocity nuclear intercontinental ballistic missiles! Still. The whole area is mind boggling. There are replicas of the first colonial ships like the Mayflower that brought the first settlers to America, museums galore. The House of Burgesses – first government. Not many people other than Americans themselves will fully appreciate what he is talking about.

I haven’t got a lot of respect for military goons in general. However, I thought what he says here is truly profound. If Russia were to attack the Pentagon and Washington D.C. with those prime naval targets he talks about, in so doing they would wipe out, in the process, EVERY GRAIN AND VESTIGE OF US HISTORY of the founding of America preserved at Williamsburg and Jamestown within an hour! This is not a warning coming from an outsider who may dislike Americans. No. It is coming from an American colonel himself. I agree with him completely. Also, what he says about French and NATO officers working with Ukrainian troops on the ground was interesting. The scumbags censoring all this in the mainstream media have got a lot to answer for.
