In answer to your question. “Why is Jacinda meeting with BlackRock?”

I don’t know precisely why she is meeting with the CEO, however it will be in relation to the NEW ZEALAND SUPERANNUATION FUND (NZSF). BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager with US$10 trillion in assets under management as at January 2022 – with 70 offices in 30 countries and clients in 100 countries – headquartered in N.Y. City with 19,000 employees. They own, on behalf of their (mainly secret) clients, huge numbers of assets in NZ and shares on our stock market.’

The NZSF was set up a few years ago from Government contributions to invest to help self-fund the rapidly rising cost of NZ’s National Universal Superannuation scheme. It is now managed by a Crown Entity called the GUARDIANS OF NZ SUPERANNUATION. As at 30 June 2021 it had about NZ$58 billion in it I believe.

You can access all the details about it here:

This includes details about when it was they appointed BlackRock to act for them. If you go to “About the Guardian” and then click on “Investment Committee” you will see, for example, ALICE MEW (Chair) Senior Investment Strategist. Prior to joining the Guardians in 2017, she worked for 8 years at BlackRock in London. Prior to this she worked for the Reserve Bank of NZ in Wellington. I think she may have been the one most responsible for appointing BlackRock as NZSF’s asset manager. Another good example is Investment Officer STEPHEN GILMORE who previously worked for the NZ Reserve Bank, IMF in Washington D.C., and Chase Manhattan Bank in London. This is commonly called the “foxes looking after the chickens!” Westpac Bank is involved too.

Most of these funds building up in the NZSF being managed by BlackRock are reinvested in US and global stock markets and as these have been steadily declining the past few months, it will clearly be affecting the value of the NZSF DOWNWARDS! – and subsequently, in the longer term, may be putting the ability of the Government to fully fund National Superannuation at risk. Hence why I would think our Fairy Princess (probably with NZSF officials as well) has been invited, or self-invited, into the Pirates’ Den to discuss events surrounding these developing issues.
