Heartbeat Law in Effect. Clinics Closing.

Where were you when Roe was aborted? It’s a question we’ll be asking for a long time.

But since Dobbs v Jackson returned abortion to the states, we’ve hardly had time to reminisce. The good news just keeps rolling in! Check out the video below when we heard the news from SCOTUS. Then drop down to hear the latest from the ground in central Ohio!

Within hours of the Dobbs v Jackson decision dropping, the injunction against Ohio’s Heartbeat Law was dissolved. That left questions on the status of local abortion facilities.

Yesterday and today, Created Equal’s team was on site outside Planned Parenthood. We have confirmed that they are not scheduling any abortions! And online, we find the same story: Planned Parenthood in Ohio has ceased scheduling abortions!

Now, the battle is far from over. But this is a good day. Rejoice with us, and keep fighting for the lives of ALL!