Formerly called the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Chatham House is by far the most powerful Fascist/Socialist agency in the world. It indirectly controls the Bilderberg Group in Europe, the US Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission – and therefore the Council of Europe, United Nations and NATO – all dedicated to bring in a New World Order, Luciferian, World Government dictatorship.

If you are a New Zealander, or a New Zealand sheep, here is something you may have missed on the NZ PM Jacinda Ardern’s recent trip to London:

If you are not a New Zealander, you might like to view this one, about former NZ Prime Minister Helen Clark’s massive global power!

Yes Kiwis. And all the time these two women were prime ministers of NZ – you were so ignorant to believe they were actually fighting for you! Believe me, this is ‘POWER’ with a capital ‘P’ – and explains why they are so cocky and arrogant.

Time to wake up everybody!


Re: Your comments on Jacinda’s “strange finger movements” at Chatham House presentation

IT’s very hard to tell because it is so small, but what ‘Queen Jezebel’ NZ PM Jacinda Ardern is doing with her repeated occult finger movements is using a Witch’s silver Finger Rosary to help her focus her mental energies to spellbind her audience. This is a very devious form of mind control.

Usually there are 10 miniature beads on these rosaries plus either a crucifix or a Satanic pentacle. At around 42:30 in you will see she puts it down on the table and then picks it up again at around 45:24 in. So difficult to see for the average person, but very observant of you to pick her strange finger movements up.

Ever since she came to power, I have called her a modern ‘Queen Jezebel’ who is totally demon-possessed and highly schooled in the occult, and very few appreciate that I am being totally literal! Most people do not appreciate how unbelievably well-informed, clever, evil, seductive and deceptive she really is – and she KNOWS what she is doing. Her protoge is Queen Jezebel in the Bible – and she knows it! Sadly, most Christians haven’t got a clue what I’m talking about, let alone non-Christians who would have no clue who she is at all.

Also, note, she is strangely wearing all pure white, I would have thought more appropriate for a bride at a wedding, hardly appropriate for such a political meeting like this. Whether she is getting this from her government spin doctors, psychologists, propagandists, occult/witchcraft connections, Masonic influence or influence with her prior connection to the Mormon Church I don’t know – but white is used extensively in the occult to promote innocence and purity and destroy opposition and criticism. Here it is in the Morman Church (founded by Joseph Smith, a Freemason).
