In 2023, we are off to our fastest start.

We’ve published more investigations, earned more media mentions, and had more website traffic – it was our biggest first quarter ever!

A few examples of the real impact we’re making with your support:

  • Pentagon’s K-12 public schools: Our investigation sparked Congressional oversight and hearings that made headlines, resulting in the reassignment of their first-ever DEI chief.
  • Newsom Inc.: Our investigation resulted in the quiet removal of one of the Newsoms’ close allies — a founding board director of Jennifer’s nonprofit — after we demonstrated that the governor and his wife had many conflicts with Silicon Valley Bank.
  • Read The Bill: Our two-year policy campaign resulted in the U.S. House majority adopting our 72-hour legislative timeout to simply allow the people, pundits, press, and politicians to read the bill — before voting!

Here’s a quick rundown of major 2023 coverage:

  • January: Meet The Faucis. Debuting on the podcast Stay Free With Russell Brand, we detailed the three keys to understanding U.S. public health policy: secrecy, the Faucis, waste and corruption. (Watch Here)
  • FebruaryConflicts-Of-Interest! Airing on Full Measure with Emmy Award winning journalist Sharyl Atkisson across 200 ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX local stations across America, we headlighted the $1.4 billion in secret third party royality payments that enriched NIH, its leaders and scientists. (Watch Here)
  • Just Yesterday!: Where’s Waldo At Club Fed? Published at Newsweek and co-authored with U.S. Senator Joni Ernst, we showcased the unreviewable and unaccountable Biden administrative state.

Thanks to the wide-spread media coverage, our reputation is growing…

Please help us keep the momentum.

We need to raise $10,000 by April 1st to edit, publish and promote our investigations for the second quarter — April, May and June.

We’re pleased to share that we’ve raised nearly $3,000 towards our $10,000 goal. However, we need your help!

More donations equal more investigations. We have less than 48 hours to raise the remaining $7,000.

If you haven’t yet made a gift this year, will you consider making a gift of $25, $50, $100, $250, or $500 today?

Fighting for Transparency,

Adam Andrzejewski
Founder and CEO,

Courtenay Lyons
Development Director,