In the 2021 Western Australian State Elections, the Labour Party Communists under leader Mark McGowan had the biggest political election landslide victory to Labour in Australia’s history while gaining 53 of WA’s 59 Lower House seats – all this, in a state that has historically been anti-socialist and more pro Liberal Party. Almost replicating the swing to Labour’s Daniel Andrews in the State of Victoria, even blue ribbon Liberal Party seats in upper class more affluent suburbs dramatically turned to Labour.

So, all this proves one thing; The majority of West Australians are mental retards. Had they listened to ‘conspiracy realists’ like ourselves, who have been warning others for decades about how the Labour Party are Socialists (Satanists) intent on destroying everything, this would not be happening now – and the part that is most concerning is that these Socialist destroyers have only been in office little more than 2 years!

Of course, too, most people outside of Australia do not appreciate the enormous amount of grain produced in W.A. with its much wider global implications. If you take this wickedness a little further from just farming. Well what about the mines and ore exports from WA as well which are simply huge. Next thing they will form an “ABORIGINAL-MAORI COUNCIL” to ‘Divide and Conquer’ both Australia and New Zealand with “Co-Governance to eliminate our heritage and national sovereignty completely – FOREVER!