‘Smart’ Meters are the biggest scam, scandal, and swindle ever perpetrated on the general public. This video explains why that is the case, what to do if you are told you need to have a smart meter installed, and what to do if you already have a smart meter.

Some years ago there were protests all around the world against Smart Meters introduction. Well here in New Zealand, as in many countries, it is about to get a lot worse with Intellihub’s new Communication Module! If you think the cost of living now is high, you ain’t seen nothing yet with structured tarifs coming around the corner. Imagine what a poor dairy farmer’s electricity bill will be if he milks his cows in the evening at peak demand? Or imagine what the outrageous costs will be to charge your electric car once home charging demand patterns for these vehicles are established?

Here is a letter currently being sent out to New Zealand homeowners:

Subject: Communication Module Upgrade in the Electricity Meter at your Address


Communication Module upgrade in the electricity meter at your address
Your electricity meter needs to be upgraded so we you can continue to receive accurate billing and access meter consumption data from your Energy Retailer Trustpower. This is part of a maintenance program to future proof advanced meters. You will not be charged for this upgrade.

What does this mean for you?
We will be replacing the communication module on the meter at your property within the next 6 weeks to future-proof our advanced meters. In most cases this work will take about 30 minutes to complete. Your power will not be disrupted during this time.

If you or anyone at the premise are medically dependent, vulnerable or have any other special requirements, and you have concerns in the event a power outage may occur, please contact us on the number shown below and we will make other arrangements when visiting for your peace of mind.

See our below FAQs for more information about why this upgrade is required and what it means to you.

Need to Contact Us?
To book an appointment or advise us of any hazards please call our Field Service Providers at 0800 293 557 or send an email to metering.support@wells.co.nz.

Kind regards,

David Boyle
General Manager Operations
Intellihub New Zealand

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Intellihub New Zealand?

Intellihub is the provider of metering equipment at your property. You can find out more about Intellihub at www.intellihub.co.nz

How will I recognise the Intellihub technician?

All contractors will carry an identification card. You can ask to view this card at any time.

Why does my meter need to be upgraded?

Your current meter communicates via either the 2G or 3G cellular network. The 2G cellular network is planned to be shut down by December 2025 and the 3G cellular network is planned to be shut down by August 2024. To ensure the continued communication of your power consumption data there needs to be a meter replacement. The upgrade will ensure that your meter continues to communicate using the latest technology available at your property.

How does my current meter work?

Advanced or smart electricity meters measure how much electricity is used at your property. The meter sends your usage information remotely, removing the need for someone to come onto your property to read the meter.

More information about Smart Meters can be found on the Electricity Authority website. https://www.ea.govt.nz/consumers/what-are-electricity-meters/

What will happen if the meter isn’t upgraded?

If the meter is not able to be upgraded, we will contact you at a later stage to discuss the options available.

Will my burglar alarm be affected?

Most burglar alarms have a battery backup and should not be affected. Please make sure that your alarm’s battery backup is fully charged.

Will there be a cost?

No, this upgrade will be performed free of charge as part of the maintenance program by Intellihub New Zealand.

Health and Safety

The Health and Safety of you and Intellihub’s technicians are at the forefront of everything we do. Please contact us if there are any real or potential hazards on your property that you feel we should know about (for example, dogs, large animals, locked gates or weather-related hazards).

Have a complaint?

If you have a complaint, please contact us. If we cannot resolve your complaint, you can contact Utilities Disputes on 0800 22 33 40 or go to utilitiesdisputes.co.nz. Utilities Disputes is a free and independent service for resolving complaints about utilities providers.