By Marlene McMillan
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Critical Theory is a form of Marxism. Quit looking at the labels and look at the substance of the ideas promoters of Critical Theory proclaim. One cannot understand our times without realizing the basic operating premise of all Marxist, Leninist, Trotskyiteist, or Communist Revolutionaries: “The issue is never the issue. It is always about the Revolution.”

Well-meaning pastors, church leaders, educationists, those calling themselves Conservatives, and even some claiming to be Constitutionalists are unwittingly promoting a Revolution they do not believe in and would disavow if they understood. In latching on to an issue surrounding a cause they believe in, as well as wanting to make the world a better place, many innocents have been enlisted into the army of cultural destruction. Deliver us from the do-gooders! Much tyranny has been perpetrated in the name of doing good.  Maybe we need to reexamine how charities and foundations are trusted and empowered in the name of doing good. But for today, let’s look at how well-meaning Christians, conservatives, and Constitutionalists are promoting agendas diametrically opposed to their stated beliefs.

People with good intentions but ignorant of history, prone to following the most persuasive speaker, in love with celebrities, whether from Hollywood or their own church, must come to realize:

“The issue is never the issue. It is always about the Revolution.”

The playbook of Revolution was written generations ago and is being skillfully used against Liberty and all those individuals and institutions that support Liberty and its resulting prosperity. Legal proceedings like Due Process that result in equal protection under the law, educational policies that make the children practical wards of the State, medical agreements that restrict a patient’s choice in their care, etc. are all evidence something is amiss.

The revolutionaries know what they are doing. Why don’t the rest of us? I would propose that until more people understand how the Dialectic Process works, we will continue to be the victims of its ardent practitioners.

“’We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth… We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.’ (Vladimir Lenin) Communists use language and psychology as weapons. Their constant vilification is a form of psychological terror. It puts America and Americans on trial. The verdict is always guilty. Facts don’t matter because the Left does not want to resolve the problems they complain about. They use those problems to agitate and provoke, hoping conflict becomes unavoidable—thereby creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. Their hatred is tactical.” ~ James Simpson, January 12, 2016, “Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Roots of Black Lives Matter”

What is the Revolution? To dethrone Yahweh and enthrone the all-powerful, all-knowing, all-encompassing State as god. Totalitarianism, bondage, tyranny — all just different names for slavery. 

It is understandable how a Saul Alinsky who dedicated his Rules for Radicals to Lucifer could so admire anyone who wants their own kingdom. It makes sense when unsaved, lawless (antinomian) rebels want to be liberated. It is tragic that pastors never pick up on this word in the context of Liberation Theology and ask: “Liberated from what?” What does a person who Jesus shed His blood for on the cross need to be liberated from?

Revolutionaries, by definition, are destructive. Anyone can destroy. Anyone can complain about the defects of a custom-built house and point out the failings of the architect and the builder. But could that person have designed and built a better house? Driving a destructive machine that reduces the house to rubble in minutes doesn’t make a person a builder.

The Dialectic Process is the use of the same words with different meanings to confuse, distort, and deceive. The predesigned steps of the Dialectic Process, crafted to move a person from a belief in absolute truth to a belief in relativism, are how our Nation has been linguistically revolutionized. This is explained in an easy-to-understand manner in Mountains of Deceit: How the Dialectic Process has infected the Culture available at

The Dialectic Process is a set of very well-crafted steps designed to move a person from a belief in absolute truth to a belief in relativism. Once the fixed reference points of a society are destroyed, then each generation has to be constantly indoctrinated and conditioned to the norms of a totalitarian all-seeing-eye State. No matter how much the State punishes, resistance continues because Yahweh wrote the natural desire for Liberty on the fleshy tablet of the hearts of all mankind.

God says to focus on the heart, but Critical Race Theory focuses on the flesh. Critical Theory deals with the external circumstances, not the internal condition of the heart. Changing a person’s circumstances does not solve the problem of sin. Redefining sin as thoughts that are politically incorrect doesn’t heal the brokenhearted. When the political spirit and the religious spirit join forces, the hierarchical church easily becomes an ally for the totalitarian State.

The first step of the Dialectic Process is identifying areas of discontent. Grateful people don’t focus on their circumstances. Gratefulness and appreciation are magnetic, and they attract favor and blessing. In order to get the people who have more Liberty than anywhere else in the world to be discontented, they must be told constantly how bad their life is. They must be fed a steady diet of victimhood, entitlement, and ungratefulness. They must learn to hate their Nation, resent the rich, hate their employers, resent opportunity, and demand unrealistic outcomes.

Their daily circumstances are not compared to reality — their less-than-ideal life is compared to an unrealistic, never-attainable Utopia (which means it does not exist). Then a Utopian future must be promised with the same answer to every problem: less Liberty and more centralization. Big civil government is always the solution, and individual self-government, personal responsibility, and equal protection under the law are always the problem.

In the name of equality, inequality is promoted. In the name of freedom, more centralization and civil government controls are offered. In the name of economic prosperity, the system that has resulted in more death, poverty, and destruction than any system in history is promoted as the only “woke” possibility.

Social-psychologists, Critical Race Theorists, liberation theologians, and “trained Marxists” (as the leaders of Back Lives Matter define themselves) have now found their way even into the self-proclaimed “evangelical” pulpits of our land. A different gospel has come forward, and whether out of naiveté, pure ignorance, or agreement, we now have social justice messages being mainstreamed from the pulpit. The pulpit is a sacred office, and using it to teach a gospel that goes against Isaiah 61 and Luke 4 has grave consequences.

How do you know if the real Gospel is being preached? Look at the result. If you get cultural liberty (which is irrefutably followed by prosperity), then you know the real Gospel is being preached. If you have Marxism, Communism, totalitarianism, and any other euphemism for tyranny and slavery, then it is a different gospel.

Jesus said He came to set the captives free, heal the broken-hearted, and set at Liberty those who are bound. Marxism is a redistributive economic system that takes from the productive and gives to the unproductive. It is an immutable law of the universe that you get more of what you subsidize and less of what you penalize. When you subsidize poor character, resentment, bitterness, offense, and unforgiveness, you get more of it. When you penalize productivity, morality, and deferred gratification, you get less of it.

The immutable laws of the universe apply equally to everyone just like gravity. Critical Theory is based on false premises and results in unreality. Critical Theory (no matter how many ministers support it) is anti-Bible, anti-Christ, anti-Truth and anti-Liberty. All ideas have consequences. Critical Race Theory gets everyone talking about ideas that only lead to division and heartache.

Since it is an immutable law of the universe that you get more of what you talk about and become what you think about, all this talk about racism just creates more racism. If that is the focus of our thoughts, then that is what we become. But, if the haters of Liberty cannot take away our Freedom of Speech because of that pesky Constitution, then the next best tactic is to get us to self-censor. If we can be convinced we are internally flawed and therefore in need of external controls, then we will give up our God-given, inalienable liberties voluntarily.

Equalitarianism requires centralized enforcement of equal outcomes by force. Totalitarianism is the Communist all-encompassing arm of the State regulating and controlling every area of life. Equalitarianism is far worse than totalitarianism because totalitarianism is forced upon us from outside. We didn’t agree to totalitarianism, and we maintain an inner strength to at least not go along with it in our hearts even if our bodies are enslaved. With equalitarianism, we not only agreed, we promoted it. We funded our own executioners, thus losing the moral authority to stand against it. We were willing participants, and the loss to our personal dignity becomes systemic.  Loss of personal dignity is systemic in Communism, which is just a nice word for slavery.

“Obama’s favorite Harvard professor Derrick Bell devised Critical Race Theory, which exemplifies Lenin’s strategy as applied to race. According to Discover the Networks: ‘Critical race theory contends that America is permanently racist to its core, and that consequently the nation’s legal structures are, by definition, racist and invalid … members of “oppressed” racial groups are entitled—in fact obligated—to determine for themselves which laws and traditions have merit and are worth observing…’” ~ James Simpson, January 12, 2016, “Reds Exploiting Blacks: The Roots of Black Lives Matter”

If racism were really systemic in our system, then it would be codified in our laws under which the people alive today have lived. The Critical Theorists, race baiters, and poverty pimps have told people that the things that happened to our ancestors have different meanings — they twist those meanings to get us to volunteer for our own loss of Liberty.

One of the first steps to Revolution is rewriting a nation’s history. Today, people who have grown up in this Nation (whose system offers the most Liberty in the history of the world) are told how bad their lives are and how severely they have been oppressed. And who are their oppressors? The same people who are telling them how oppressed they are!

It is irrefutable that people with less centralization and government control are more prosperous. But how many people have researched this for themselves? Do you read only secular economists Paul Krugman and Keynes? Do you see God as causative of history, or man? Do you believe civil governments can violate immutable laws of the universe even though individuals can’t? Or do you also seek a perspective in alignment with proven economic principles by reading Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell? Do you read James Cone without also reading Anthony Bradley’s Liberating Black Theology?

One of the methods of the Dialectic Process is using the same words to have different meanings while constantly changing the definitions of words. Political Correctness uses language to control culture. When you control a person’s speech, you control their thoughts. When speech is limited, then ideas are censored.

A brief history of the Frankfurt School and a summary of the Consequences of Cultural Marxism are found in Political Correctness: A Deceptive and Dangerous Worldview edited by William S. Lind and Richard W. Hawkins. On page 225, it states: “The goal of Critical Theory was not truth, but praxis, or revolutionary action: bringing the current society and culture down through unremitting, destructive criticism.” For complete disclosure, I have a chapter in the book.

If an idea is flawed in premise, it is flawed in result. Critical Theory lays out a false frame that is so distorted and anti-Biblical it should be seen for the fraud it is on its face. The sad frame through which they see the world shouldn’t have any appeal to someone who has beheld the Glory. One of the rules of Quantum Physics is you get more of what you are looking for. Critical Race Theory, with its assumptions based in unreality, looks for injustice everywhere. Because they reject the I AM of the Scriptures, who has already determined reality, they end up in despair in their own unrealistic materialistic kingdom.

Without Liberty what will you do? Do you think you will come and go as you please? Do you think your church will be spared because you publicly supported Black Lives Matter? Do you think your congregation will continue to support a minister who eats his sheep instead of keeping them from being eaten? When the ministers who supported Hitler at the beginning woke up, they went to the concentration camps just the same. Their prior loyalties did not protect them. They had to live with the guilt for compromising their God and participate in the suffering of their fellowman.

The Constitution is written to restrict civil government, not to give people their rights. Since rights were considered inalienable — coming from a higher power than government, then civil government could not take away what it did not have the authority to give in the first place.

A preacher or church leader who promotes Black Lives Matter, which openly states its agenda as Marxist, anti-family, pro-abortion and anti-Christ, is promoting slavery and ensuring that any Constitutional protections are done away with by law. Black Lives Matter is not promoting equal protection under the law. They are promoting equal slavery under law, equal poverty, and equal misery. Liberty is not on their agenda.

Critical Race Theory is based in relativism. Since the Bible determines reality, then by definition, Critical Race Theory is anti-Biblical. The Dialectic Process is the way that Social Engineers use language to change and control culture. Yahweh created the world with words, and redefining the culture with words is one of the wiles of the devil that has not been taught from the pulpit. If the Church understood the Dialectic Process, Christians would recognize they are being deceived and manipulated. Then they would reject the lies they are being fed daily as truth instead of feeling powerless to resist the seemingly-inevitable tyranny.

Critical Theory is a linguistic structure of destruction. It has created a vocabulary around victimhood and redefined the rules of life. The problem is when unreality has a collision with reality, reality always wins. Equality can be labeled freedom, but the people in Cuba are still slaves — they have equal wages, fair housing, free healthcare, etc., but they are slaves, with travel outside their borders restricted. The ideology of Marxism got them there, and licensed religious leaders help to keep them there.

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