This American chap initially comes across a bit rough and basic. However, he is in fact a highly intelligent academic who is superbly informed about energy, far above most people. He was Managing Editor of the website THE OIL DRUM, one of the most respected websites in the world on global energy supplies and the far-reaching implications of energy transition. He really knows his subject.

This is just Part One of Two of his stunning, presentation, which I had never heard of before or ever heard put in such simple terms.

As you will see, he clearly explains how and why, if oil and fossil fuels are banned or severely limited as are planned by the Green Fascists, because gasoline and diesel are among the first stages in the overall refining process and such a large proportion of the total volume refined, later stages in the refining process that produce aviation fuel, chemicals used to make paint, synthetics, plastics, and finally bunker oil for ships and asphalt for the roads – will be abolished as well!

So effectively this means as these Government imbeciles rapidly phase out petrol and oil for internal combustion engines in preference for electric vehicles, and reduce the throughput of oil to be refined in the world’s oil refineries, there is going to be a massive, rapid decline also in the residual chemical by-products used to make aviation fuel, paint and plastics for the electric cars, because it will be prohibitively expensive to refine it without selling the largest gasoline and diesel component of it. In other words, while cheap oil has been responsible for the world’s enormous prosperity up to now. Its rapid decline being pushed by these Mother Earth worshippers, in more ways than one is going to close the world down. While we are in the early stages of the transition still and it really hasn’t started to bite just yet – it is coming.

Perhaps this is why Klaus Schwab and others want everyone living in 15-minute cities – as they already know most will have no cars at all, gasoline, diesel or even electric.

Well worth thinking about what Nate is profoundly saying.