I feel this turmoil now beginning in the US House of Representatives is only just starting, and looks like it is the beginning of the final plot in the British propaganda mini-series film, AMERIKA

Below, in the first clip, from an Aussie commentator today, on the ousting of the U.S. House of Representatives Speaker yesterday, I thought was interesting. Whether correct or not, he says, although it is normally the case to vote for a House Speaker from within, in actual fact, the Speaker can be anyone, like Donald Trump????, or for that matter anyone outside of Congress from the general public!!!! I thought that was a shocker, if correct! Goodness knows what is going to happen, but it does not look good and seems to be following the plot in the 35 year-old movie AMERIKA. By November 17th, they may not have even elected a Speaker!

In the second video, I don’t know who precisely the presenter is, but he looks like a Jewish Canadian. What he says, though, is what is characterized in the movie AMERIKA, “That man is the last president of the United States” In the movie, all this happened prior to installing a Governor General during a State of Civil Emergency, when in the movie, there are riots in the streets, financial chaos, people are burning US$ bills etc. I hate to say it, but this is starting to look airily similar!

I have added a clip from the movie AMERIKA (while the Russians have been brought in to help quell the riots in a National State of Civil Emergency, abolish the country, divide the whole country up into Administrative Regions etc. I wonder what FEMA are preparing for right now? Or am I paranoid?

Momentous times!




There is a website in Canada that I visit in which the owner of it claims that everyone has been inducted into a satanic cult. It is difficult to disagree with his claim with the exception that he does not mention the Christian remnant of true believers that are standing in opposition to all forms of sin, lies, unbelief, chaos and satanic criminal activity. He does a great job and is a Jew, however, Jews need Jesus for salvation just as much as all other people groups. He is silent about this fact. David Duke wrote a book named Jewish Supremacism several years ago warning about that subject matter.

I agree with him to the point of how the wickeds are trying to deceive and force everyone into the globalist synagogue of satan, and they have recruited many people to their cause, but the truth is powerful. As soon as a serious student discovers the truth the lies all fall apart. Anyway, I have attached his website for if you want to look at it for articles worth considering about current events. The second article from the top contains comments about McCarthy getting removed from his lofty position.

henrymakow.com – Exposing Feminism and The New World Order